Our body contains a lot of bacteria. About 4 pounds of it in fact. Most of them live in the gut (the upper and lower intestines). Most of them, also known as flora help our body with digestion and other intestinal functions. It is a symbiotic relationship. They keep us healthy, and we provide them with a nice place to live. Not all bacteria are good for us though. However, the gut flora can remove them to alarge extent. At any time a healthy person will have about 20% of bacteria. That is a healthy balance.
That balance can however be upset. Many factors can influence it. The acidity of our system, the food we eat, the environment, prescription drugs and so on. Over acidity kills off a lot of the bacteria. That could potentially upset the balance between the good flora and the bad.

How does the intestinal flora work?

  • Fermentation of carbohydrates

They finish the digestion of carbohydrates which have remained undigested till then.

  • Keep the intestines in good condition

Gut flora promotes the productionof the epithelial cells and repair the intestinal walls

  • Suppress the growth of bad flora

They stop the colonization of our intestines by harmful germs.

  • Helps the immune system

Intestinal flora improve our immune system, by developing the mucosal immunity system, which is the primary defense system of the body.

  • Improves Metabolism

They help break down harmful and sometimes carcinogenic substances we ingest.

What upsets the balance of gut flora affected?

  • The food that we eat

Most of the processed food we eat these days contain substances such a MSG and artificial sweeteners. They increase the acidity of our bodies and that is a condition that can destroy gut flora.

  • Inflammation of the bowels

Inflammation of the bowels often caused by over acidity can cause a decrease in the level of gut flora

  • Antibiotic drugs

Antibiotic drugs can cause extensive destruction to the bacterial population. That leaves us open to the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which have developed an immunity to such drugs. That starts a chain reactionof irritation of the bowels, breakdown of our immune system and a lot of digestive disorders.

How can we help?

We can help by avoiding processed food and drinks containing artificial sweeteners. We can increase the intake of food and drink that contain probiotic flora. Fermented food such as unsweetened yogurt are alive with beneficial microbes. So are fermented non-alcoholic drinks such as kefir. Eat a healthy diet. Live a healthy life.

Your gut flora are depending on you. Fight the holy war to keep them alive!


Good Vs. Bad Bacteriahttp://www.aartiinformatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Good-Vs.-Bad-Bacteria.jpghttp://www.aartiinformatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Good-Vs.-Bad-Bacteria-300x289.jpgAarti InformaticsUncategorizedbad bacteria,good bacteriaOur body contains a lot of bacteria. About 4 pounds of it in fact. Most of them live in the gut (the upper and lower intestines). Most of them, also known as flora help our body with digestion and other intestinal functions. It is a symbiotic relationship. They keep...Daily News, News Magazine, Online Magazine